Holy Cure of Ars Seminary

Called for by the Council of Trent, seminaries are the places of formation par excellence in which the Church leads toward the altar those men who have priestly vocations. The Society of St. Pius X has six international seminaries in various parts of the world. In them the SSPX accomplishes its chief aim, which is to give to the Church clergymen who are formed to have a love of the traditional liturgy and Catholic doctrine and will faithfully dispense the mysteries and blessings of Jesus Christ.

The International Seminary of the Holy Cure of Ars is located in Flavigny-sur-Ozerain in France. It accommodates seminarians during their first year of spirituality and houses a novitiate of brothers.

Contact :

Séminaire International Saint-Curé d’Ars

Maison Lacordaire

21150 Flavigny-sur-Ozerain


Tél.: +33 / 380.96.20.74

Fax : +33 / 380.96.25.32